Thursday, January 9, 2020

If A Social Security Act Were Being Built Today - 904 Words

If a Social Security Act were being built today, I think it would look much different from the version that was created in 1935. There are many factors that have changed dramatically, and while there have been updates along the way in an attempt to address them, the program has still lagged behind to cause some to question its effectiveness and longevity. The very idea that government would be intervening in something that has such a large economic impact on the economy is frightening, but I do not feel we can rely on a system without Social Security. Today people live longer, has less saving, and right or wrong, have a higher expectation of living than people did decades ago. We live in a civilized country that contributes to helping others throughout the world, would we turn on back on our elderly or hope that someone else will find a solution? The idea of keeping government out and allowing a private solution sounds great, but ultimately I feel the problem will shift onto the citizens. In order to have the security we desire, some of our freedoms need to be given up. There are specific roles for which government action is unavoidable which Ryan Messmore points out, such as protection, national security, and federal social programs. On the contrary, he also points out that with that, the government holds too much power to influence citizens. He states, â€Å"The powers to pass laws and collect taxes entail the power to define, to some extent, the terms of publicShow MoreRelatedSocial Security And Economic Security1311 Words   |  6 Pages In 2033 a retiree with the average Social Security benefits of $1,294 will only receive 77% of this number or $996. This average retiree pays the average monthly costs for a single adult in Grand Rapids, Michigan of $1,323. 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